Our 10 Operating Principles


  • Commit to excellence - you own the result of your work and be proud of it

      • If you encounter an issue, think about it, suggest solutions, and explain why your chosen solution is your recommendation.
  • Take responsibility - lead by example
      • Be proactive; don‘t wait for someone else to tell you what to do.
  • Communicate openly, honestly, and directly
      • Be complete in your conversation; don’t leave anything unsaid that you want to say to be aligned and committed to the outcome.
      • Don't judge others by what they say, and you won't be judged by what you say.
  • Listen with an open mind - learn from everyone inside and outside our team
      • You practice active listening. 'Active listening' means, as its name suggests, actively listening. That is fully concentrating on what is being said rather than passively hearing the speaker's message.

  • Insist on integrity to create and sustain workability

      • You are committed to integrity, and we are all truthful and honest. You honor your word. You inform all who are affected as soon as we realize that you can’t keep your word.
      • You are responsible for dealing with any consequences of not keeping your word, and you must create a new promise to restore workability.
  • Treat people with respect, build trust, and encourage others
      • You value diversity and have an open mind.
  • Encourage risk-taking and innovation
      • You are committed to growth, continuous learning, and personal development.
  • Establish purpose before action
      • Always ask why first.
      • Clarify the intention and ask anytime, “What is the intention of this?”.
  • Work as a team
      • We are a unified force and aligned towards our goals.
      • There is no space for “own agendas,” and everyone works for team #1 – the organization.
  • Have fun
    • We enjoy working together and making space to have fun with each other.
    • We celebrate our success together.